NEW! Leaf Rubbings
Over one third of Earth’s land is covered in forest! These trees are vital, since they give humans and other animals food, shelter, and clean air to breathe. The best way to learn more about trees is to learn to identify them – and the best way to do that is by their leaves. Make rubbings of different trees’ leaves to start becoming a forest expert!
“Leaf Rubbings” Watch “Leaf Rubbings” video on YouTube
In Your Water
What’s in your water? There could be more in there than you think!
“In Your Water” Watch “In Your Water” video on YouTube
Catching Zzzz…
Build a Dreamcatcher to learn why we dream and what it means to have a good night’s sleep.
“Catching Zzzz….” Watch “Catching Zzzz…” video on YouTube
Dancin’ It Out
Bored at home? Feeling blah? Rev up the activity, show off your moves to family and friends and dance your way to happy.
“Dancin’ It Out” Watch “Dancin’ It Out” video on YouTub
My COVID-19 Journal
Where can you talk to yourself, loosen up your creative muscles and let your ideas fly from your mind … but in a journal. Write it down!
“My COVID-19 Journal” Watch “My COVID-19 Journal” video on YouTube
Are You a Germ Spreader or a Germ Fighter?
Ever wonder when someone sneezes, does everyone get sick? Explore how we share and can stop germs from spreading.
“Germ Fighter” Watch “Germ Fighter” video on YouTube
Trait Tracking
Humans share 99.9% of our DNA with one another. A whole lot of what makes us different can be found in 0.1% of our DNA. Track your traits in search of what you have in common and what makes you uniquely different from your family or friends.
“Trait Tracking” Watch “Trait Tracking” video on YouTube

NEW! Wheels on a Bus
Buses, like school buses, are very important for many reasons – especially because they can be better for the environment than regular cars. Here’s how you can build your own cereal-box school bus and get rolling.
“Wheels on a Bus” Watch “Wheels on a Bus” video on YouTube
NEW! Going with the Flow
Just like on your roof at home, when rain falls on hills and mountains, it can flow down. But, it can get stuck or polluted when it runs into barriers in the environment. Build your own 3D map and create a storm above it to see how rain falls on your landscape!
“Going with the Flow” Watch “Going with the Flow” video on YouTube
No-Bake Cookies
Baking in the summer can be a challenge because the oven makes so much heat. But by making these quick no-bake cookies, you can keep your space cool while making a sweet treat!
“No-Bake Cookies” Watch “No-Bake Cookies” video on YouTube
Keep Your Cool
Running warm? This activity shows how poorly fitted windows and doors can affect your home’s internal temperature – and how to plug those leaks!
“Keep Your Cool” Watch “Keep Your Cool” video on YouTube
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
There are lots of ways to save energy and help the environment, and they begin with the famous 3 “R’s”! Of the three “R’s”, the most important is the first: Reduce.
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” Watch “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” video on YouTube
Air Tight Investigator
Investigate the rooms of your home, is it cold, do you feel a light breeze or draft blowing through the room from the window or door? With your trusty draft tester, find out just how drafty your windows and doors really are and find ways to fix the leak.
“Air Tight Investigator” Watch “Air Tight Investigator” video on YouTube
Flip the Switch
Can you convince your family and friends to turn off the lights? Design an awesome switch plate cover that reminds or dares everyone to turn off the lights when they leave the room.
“Flip the Switch” Watch “Energy Efficiency” video on YouTube
Vampire Hunt
There are phantoms and vampires in my house? Power phantoms and vampires, that is. Become a slayer of phantoms and vampires: explore the different rooms, turn off the power, and destroy them.
“Vampire Hunt” Watch “Vampire Hunt” video on YouTube
Energy Checklist
Being more energy efficient in your life can save you money and help the planet. Become a sleuth and investigate sources of energy in your home using our energy checklist! Do you use LED light bulbs? Or unplug your chargers when you’re done using them?
“Energy Checklist” Watch “Energy Efficiency” video on YouTube
Explore ways to keep an ice cube frozen using household items to insulate the cube. This PBS Kids activity is sure to keep you cool while you work to keep it cool.

NEW! Box of Stars
Our night skies are full of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects. But, too much light from Earth can make them harder to see. Here’s how to help!
“Box of Stars” Watch “Box of Stars” video on YouTube
Mini Night Sky Constellation
Some of the brightest stars in the night sky have been grouped together to form pictures, shapes, and patterns called constellations. Make a mini constellation of your own.
“Mini Night Sky Constellation” Watch “Mini Night Sky Constellation” video on YouTube
Pinwheel Galaxy
Did you know that you live in a spiral galaxy? Earth is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which looks like a spiral. Make a pinwheel and learn more about galaxies using this Scholastic activity.